O LORD JESUS, I adore Thee hanging on the Cross, bearing a Crown of Thorns upon Thy head. I beseech Thee that Thy Cross may free me from the deceiving Angel. Amen.
O LORD JESUS, I adore Thee hanging Wounded on the Cross, given vinegar and gall to drink. I beseech Thee that Thy wounds may be the remedy of my soul. Amen.
O LORD JESUS, I adore Thee placed in Thy tomb, anointed with myrrh and aromatic spices. I beg Thee that Thy death may be my life. Amen.
O LORD JESUS, I adore Thee descending into hell and freeing the captives from there. I beg Thee, that Thou mayest never permit me to enter there. Amen.
O LORD JESUS, I adore Thee rising from the dead, ascending into heaven, and sitting at the right hand of the Father. I beg Thee that I may be worthy to follow Thee and be with Thee. Amen.
O most kind Lord Jesus, turn to me, a miserable sinner, the eyes of Mercy with which You looked upon St Peter in the courtyard, St Mary Magdalene at the banquet, and St Dismas on the cross; grant then that with St Peter I may lament my sins, with St Mary Magdalene I may faithfully serve you, and with St Dismas I may look upon You forevermore in Heaven; Who livest and reignest with The Father and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.