To you I have entrusted the remedy for this age:  MY SACRED WOUNDS…

  1. Lead all Mankind to this Saving Source. Exclude no one, and place even the groaning, ravaged creation in the healing and purifying bath of My Precious Blood for it has Power to Save and renew all things.  

  2. Gather together beneath My Cross. There, in My Sacred Wounds, you are closest to My Redeeming Love. There, beneath My Cross, I wish to bestow on you the Fullness of My Graces, which My Heart’s Blood has earned for you. My Holy Wounds belong after all to you. In them you have the most precious thing I could have given you. Through My Wounds the Father’s Heart lies open to you.

  3. Every one of His Sacred Wounds speaks to you of His and of My measurable Love, of a Mercy that cannot be fathomed, of its fulfilment in the reconciliation and redemption in which you, My beloved children, are permitted to be sisters and brothers of My Son, Who has led you home into great and wonderful unity of Divine human Love.

  4. For the sake of My Beloved Son, Who from the Cross enfolded the entire world and watered it with the Blood of His Sacred Wounds. This is the inexpressible Love that He gave Me, this is your Salvation!

  5. Despite all the limitations of your nature, all your sins and omissions, all the offences and indifference, I Am ready to forgive, whenever the Love of your heart seeks Me, above all when it desires to meet Me through the Sacrifice of My Beloved Son, in His Sacred Wounds and His Sacred Precious Blood.

  6. As often as you entrust this inexpressible Love of My Son to My Heart, so often will His redemptive work become effective again in you so that your love and His Love may mingle together in My Heart and your wounds, in His Wounds, be purified and sanctified.

  7. My Love pours forth unceasingly, in a Flood of Graces from My Sacred Wounds, and ceaselessly, in the Power of My Resurrection, the healing and beautifying light of your Redemption shines upon you.

  8. If I lead you to My Sacred Wounds, then I do so because such unimagined treasures lie hidden there for you. Nowhere can you obtain more priceless graces than through the merits of My Sacred Wounds. They are your Wellspring of Salvation, your Fount of Health, your Treasure Store.

  9. I will never close them to any who seek them and long for them with deep yearning. For My Wounds are the tokens of My Everlasting Love for you that always was, and will never end.

  10. My Sacred Wounds will Save the World. You must offer them up unceasingly to the Heavenly Father. You are permitted to be messengers of My Love, tirelessly travelling on My behalf, so that My Kingdom can become reality. You too must be untiring in Reparation and Sacrifice.  My work of redemption needs courageous souls, it needs people who are ready for anything.

  11. My Sacred Wounds will be your Surest Refuge. Nowhere are you better protected. My Love will enfold you there and preserve you from all evil.

  12. Implore now the Special Graces that I have reserved for this age. They are in calculable treasures that My Heart wishes to distribute, especially when you Pray to Me for Grace and Mercy for the sake of My Holy Wounds and My Sacred, Precious Blood. Do this for the whole world; ask Me on behalf of all mankind.

  13. Whoever honours My Sacred Wounds, I will enfold with special Love in My Most Sacred Heart so that he can draw from My Heart the fullness of Graces won by My Wounds. In the prayer to My Wounds you have been given such immense power over My Heart. Make use of this extraordinary proof of grace. In these days of such great temptation and trials you need the protection of My Sacred Wounds and above all of the Sacred Wound in My Heart. Whatever you do—sheltered beneath the Sacred Wound in My Heart in loving unity with it—will also compel the Heart of the Heavenly Father. It is the greatest Power of Love that has been given to you for your own Salvation and for the Salvation of Mankind.

  14. By My Wounds you are redeemed. All your sins and transgressions, your errors, your doubt and unbelief, all your injuries, all your sickness in body and soul, everything no matter how terrible—everything has been assumed into My Wounds and through My Obedience, has been atoned for and restored to the Father. In My Wounds you are secure, you are saved. From here comes all Healing, all Grace and Strength, the Salvation of Humanity. Just as you have a share in My Sacred Wounds, so too you have a share in Glory. The Love of My Sacred Wounds is the Greatest Mystery of Redemption.

  15. In My Sacred Wounds you are dead to sin and saved for life; you have risen with Me, and become a wonderful new creation in the immortal Love of God, Your Father.

  16. Nothing is more precious to My Heavenly Father than Love. So too your greatest gift to Him is the perpetual offering of My bleeding Wounds, which renders ever new the grace of reconciliation through the all – surpassing Mercy of GOD.

  17. How greatly I long for an Army of Praying Souls who will intercede for all those whom I wish to rescue from the night of their godlessness, for their sin and guilt. O that all who know the Prayer of My Merciful Love might send up their Prayers and Pleading to Heaven, so that the Gifts of Grace from My Sacred Wounds can be available to all.

  18. I desire devotion to My Sacred Wounds to be promoted in prayer and writing. Time presses more urgently, and for mankind Salvation through My Sacred Wounds is indispensable.

  19. To all who devote themselves to honouring My Sacred Wounds, I will give special graces. I will enfold them in My Heart and shelter them there from the assaults of the adversary who seeks to hinder them in their efforts for the Apostolate of My Love. I will strengthen and advance them in their love of prayer, so that, in this time of such sorrow, they persevere in good and so not flag in imitating My Merciful Love; for only through My Sacred Wounds and My Sacred Precious Blood will it be possible to turn aside the deadly peril that seeks to destroy Mankind.

  20. If you could only see what offering of My Sacred Wounds can achieve, you would do this unceasingly. How many, many souls you could free from their torments. Every Prayer can help them and bring comfort and relief. With no other Prayer can you so reach the Father’s Heart as through an offering up My Sacred Wounds.

  21. Pray, for the sake of all My Wounds, and add to this the boundless Love of My Sacred Heart, in the deepest union of Love with your Heavenly Mother; then nothing will be able to separate you again from the Love and Mercy of the Father. For only in the arms of His Mercy will you once more find rest and peace.

  22. My Wounded Love will go to any lengths, and none need look in fear on death who dies in peace and in the shelter of My Sacred Wounds.

  23. In these times of such worldwide unrest and such alarming need and bitterness there is no surer Remedy than the Love of My Sacred Wounds and My Sacred Precious Blood. Cling to the saving power of My Redeeming Love and so become My faithful helpers for Peace in the world.

  24. Bring Me all the lame and the crippled, the hungry and the thirsty and the many addicts too. Yes, all the sick and the dying. I will surround them with My Love, I will strengthen them and raise them up and heal all their wounds in the Stream of Grace that flows from My Sacred Wounds and My Precious Blood.

  25. You must remember the dying and give them again and again the Prayer of Love. What Grace can still be wrought by offering up My Sacred Wounds at this decisive moment of the soul’s departure! Here above all, My Love will go to any lengths. Entrust to Me the dying, and the poor souls in Purgatory too, the many who are forgotten and for whom no one prays. I long to bring them home to the Father, into the Arms of His Merciful Love. Your prayers can bring so many souls consolation and relief and redemption through the merits of My Sacred Wounds.

  26. Trust in the Healing and Redeeming Power of My Sacred Wounds and of My Sacred and Precious Blood. There is no sin that cannot be purified and atoned for by My Sacred Precious Blood.

  27. Yes, place the dying into My Sacred Wounds each and every day. Whoever dies in the shelter of My Sacred Wounds is saved, for death no longer has power over him.

  28. What riches I have entrusted you in My Sacred Wounds, and I give them to you each day anew. They are the greatest Source of Graces that I could possibly give you. Multiply these gifts of Love by imploring them again and again for the salvation of all people.

  29. You must grow more and more in faith in the immense saving power that flows from My Sacred Wounds. For it is your Faith, your Trust, that will again and again open My Heart, which glows with Love. And so the Flood of Graces will never cease in which all are to have a share—all the spiritually weak and lame, the blind and the deaf, the dumb and the despairing. All of them I will comfort in their sufferings…

  30. You should be more concerned for My Holy ChurchI Love Her, and therefore you should love her too. Pray for Her and entrust Her to the special protection of My Sacred Wounds. She was born from the Wounds in My Side. Whoever loves My Church, Loves Me and who serves Her serves Me and helps to build the Kingdom of peace, of reconciliation and love.

  31. Pray fervently for the healing of all souls. Pray this especially for My priests and religious, for the dying, for the many who live in error and unbelief. Make use of this time—a Time of Mercy.

  32. My Love impels Me again and again to lead you to My Sacred Wounds, so that no plight may find you without help. How I would like to see you safe, forever, under the shelter of My Sacred Wounds, so that no hostile power can ever hurt you!

  33. The Graces of My Redemption are waiting for you to distribute them. Time is short. I have entrusted so many of My graces to you. Use them. I will bless all your efforts. Shrink from no sacrifice and no effort, and let nothing deter or trouble you. I want the devotion to My Sacred Wounds to be spread throughout the world, so that this world, in its deep distress may find Salvation and Healing through My Sacred Wounds and My Precious Blood.

  34. When you gaze upon My Most Sacred Heart, then you will learn more and more how to read and understand My Holy Will in this Book of Love.

  35. Come to Me with complete Trust. Seek rest, protection and peace in My Sacred Wounds, so that, with My help you may endure the many trials and burdens, yes, even the threats and sufferings. For I will always be by your side.

  36. This Mission of My Sacred Wounds is the great Mission of My Merciful Love, which in this age desires to lead men back to GOD once more, in order to heal their grievous wounds and free them from the clutches of the evil enemy. You must be ready to give everything for this Mission. Let no difficulties discourage you, for again and again I Myself will take care of everything. For I wish to bring Help and Redemption and Salvation to all. Nothing is so insignificant that I do not wish to accept and perfect it. Whatever you give Me, if given out of love, can become the greatest of treasures in the Love of My Sacred Wounds and My Precious Blood. As for you, it will be your salvation, while giving Honour and Glory to the eternal Love of the Trinity.

  37. Invest your entire strength in the task that I have place in your hands. Remain above all in love.  It will protect you. In love, the adversary has no power to harm youThe more the Apostolate of My Sacred Wounds is spread, the more he will rage. But, united in love, you are a mighty power. For it was this same love that moved so many Saints, and above all My Beloved Mother. Not only will it be your consolation and help, but it will strengthen and guide you even in the most extreme commitment, for in this Love, I am here in your midst.

  38. On Fridays….the hour of My death, (the Hour of Grace/Hour of Victory) pray for sinners. Beg graces of Me. And at this hour, I will give them to youThe hour of My death is the Hour of Victory of Divine Mercy and Love. In your Trust, immerse the entire world in the most profound depths of this all—forgiving Love and thank Me, here and now, for the fact that I will indeed hear your prayers.

  39. What infinite riches are concealed within My Sacred Wounds! Draw deeply from this Fount of Graces. You will never exhaust it. It will never dry up, just as My Love never dries up and My Mercy outlasts all things. Let every soul receive healing in My Sacred Wounds.

  40. I have given you the gift of My Sacred Wounds. If only your Trust were equal to the love of a single one of My Wounds! Nothing is impossible to Me.

  41. But you must not turn away from those who, through evil, have fallen into need, and often into despair as well, and no longer know what they are doing. I died for them all, and they are all the object of My special concern and Love.  But I need your help, indeed, I beg you for your mercy and your love. And yet I ask this not only on behalf of these, the poor and poorest of the poor, but for your sakes too.

  42. Believe in the healing power of My Precious Blood. Draw strength from My Sacred Wounds. You can never exhaust them. I gave up everything in return for this Mercy, so that all might be forgiven and healed, yes, everything.

  43. Just as I loved your souls, so you should love My Wounds, through which they are redeemed. Each one of My Wounds is a Gift of Love to the Father, each one is enfolded and thereby loved in His Heart and communicated to you from there as Graces and Mercy, if you unite yourself with My Crucified Love.

  44. The more you unite yourself to My Love and yearning, the more boundlessly can My Crucified Love extend, and the more powerfully the Waters of Life will transform and renew all things.

  45. I have given you a Prayer that My Heart cannot resist. It is the prayer from the Heart of My beloved Son on the Cross:  Father forgive them! Whenever you plead with Me for Pardon and Mercy, for yourselves or others, then unite your request with this prayer of My beloved Son on the Cross. Include the whole world in this your pleading for Mercy and as you do so, reflect that I AM YOUR FATHER, Who loves you above all thing. For the sake of the immeasurable Love of My Son, for the sake of the inexpressible Love that is granted you in His Sacred Wounds, I wish to embrace you with My Love and be for ever Father to you.

  46. Do not think of yourselves, but for all the poorest and most wretched, for those enslaved and led astray, and place them in the Wound in My Side. My Mercy will save them all. The more Satan and his henchmen extend their power, the more I stretch out the Arms of My Merciful Love over the whole world. The Love of My Crucified Heart, united with the love of Mary’s Motherly heart, pierce through by the sword, will bring to nothing even the darkest assaults of the evil one. Trust in the Victory of Love. God is good.  HE ALONE IS THE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE.

  47. What fullness of graces is waiting, in the Wound of My opened Heart, to pour out its inexhaustible riches into the maternal bosom of My Church. Nothing is impossible to My Heart.

  48. Pray especially for My Priest, for they are in great danger. Fight for their faithfulness by unceasingly offering My Sacred Wounds and My Precious Blood.

  49. How many graces I could give, graces beyond even your boldest imaginings, if you would only ask them of Me. With a heart full of childlike Trust! Yes, I always give you still more than you dare Nothing is impossible to My Love for it has been sealed by My death on The Cross. It is the Fruit of My Passion and Death, it is the healing power from My Wounds, it is the bond of unity with My Heavenly Father in the Holy Spirit.

  50. You cannot imagine what powers of grace can be unlocked even in a single drop of My Precious Blood.

  51. To all whom you entrust to the Ocean of My Mercy, to the inexhaustible Fount of My Love, to My Sacred Wounds, I will be Merciful. I will save them from the clutches of the evil one and lead home into eternal peace.

  52. I have chosen you for this to carry the Love of My Sacred Wounds out into the worldTheir Light is the most glorious, the most wonderful radianceIt will enkindle Heaven and earth, and in the furnace of their Love, will draw everything towards redemption.

  53. I have won the grace of Redemption for the whole of mankind. My heart is open to all men and with it the Heart of the Heavenly Father. Let no one be lost through your fault. You bear such a great responsibility, because I have entrusted to you so much that is so precious.

  54. You should count yourselves fortunate that you have been permitted to distribute the gifts of Grace of My Sacred Wounds. It is truly a Priestly Mission that has been entrusted to you.

  55. In the tide of graces flowing from My Sacred Wounds, My Church cannot perish. You must believe that My Sacred Wounds can do all things. No power of hell could ever harm My Church, if you entrust Her unceasingly to the loving appeal of My Mercy and Love.

  56. Come together with My Holy Mother, to the Heavenly Father and offer Him My Sacred Wounds. How many graces you can thereby obtain, especially for My Church as well. In the coming time. She will still have heavy trials to undergo. Hence you must commit yourselves with special love for Her sake. Remain in unity with Her. Love Her like My Mother.

  57. My Love is calling you, the Love of My Holy Wounds. This Love wishes to heal many and grave wounds from which all mankind is suffering. My Sacred Wounds are the Remedy for the futurePray, pray that people will accept this remedy, for there is nothing else that can save them. The Love of My Holy Wounds will conquer the whole world. Become worthy Apostles of this Love and Mercy, and longs to save and redeem you all.

  58. When you venerate My Most Sacred Precious Blood and offer it up to the Heavenly Father, then I will pour out Floods of Mercy on this suffering world.

  59. Consecrate yourselves now to My Most Sacred, Precious Blood. My Heart is opened wide. From My Wounds flow Grace and Mercy in indescribable fullness.

  60. You must not tire in prayer and pleading. How many graces are lost because you ask little and too timidly. The more the hosts of the seducer advance, the more fervently and deliberately you must forge the bond of Love with Me that protects and frees you from the impending enslavement of the adversary. Do as I ask, so that I can still more generously share out the fruits of My Redeeming Passion.

  61. To you I have entrusted the Remedy for this age: MY SACRED WOUNDS.

  62. I now need heroic souls, so that the Mission of My Sacred Wounds can be carried into the world. In this time of such great affliction for so many the message of My Merciful Love will bring Mankind consolation and confidence. I wish to draw them all to My HeartIt will be the place of refuge, the light in the darkness, the salvation in the war of spirits. Entrust yourselves again and again to My Heart. Immerse all sin, all suffering, all strife and hatred, the guilt and the need of the entire world, in the Ocean of My Mercy. Never will your Heavenly Father refuse you His saving and the healing Love if you ask Him in Faith and for the sake of My Heart.

  63. My Mercy will light up the darkness of the coming days and be the saving anchor for all who turn to Me with full trust in My Merciful Heart.

  64. Pray. Never cease to pray the Invocations for Grace and Mercy. With each Prayer you sow a Seed of Love in the great Field of Life, upon which My Grace and Mercy bestow growth and maturity, healing and fulfilment through the merits of My Sacred Wounds. Give yourselves in the cause of Redemption that seeks in My transfigured, Sacred Wounds, to bring the whole world Healing and Salvation.

  65. You must lead men home into My Wounds, into the shelter and protection. There I will take from them all pains, all sufferings, all disappointments and injuries and will console and heal them.

  66. You must believe that I will always hear your pleas, if you call to Me for Mercy for the sake of My Holy WoundsI have given you this most powerful Prayer of Love. O use it then! Ask Me for the graces that I hold ready for sinners, for the straying and despairing, the restless and deceived. I will pour out My Mercy upon them and save them from all their distresses. In My Heart I have carried them on My Way of The Cross. In My heart I hold out their lives to the Merciful Love of the Father. And believe that the Father will hear you in His infinite goodness.

  67. In every HOLY MASS, I offer you anew the merits of My Holy WoundsAll heaven sinks down in Adoration, Praise and Reverence when in Holy Mass My Sacrifice of the Cross is mysteriously renewed. Give your hearts, give yourselves, wholly and entirely to this wonderful holy action of Divine Love and abandon your wounds to My Sacred Wounds, so that I may heal them for ever.

  68. In every Holy Mass make the offering of your heart together with the offering of My Heart. Through the Mass you are permitted to share in everything that the Love of the Father gives to Me. His Mercy cries out for the pity, in order to surround you, wholly and completely, in His Love and to heal and sanctify you.

  69. Someone who cannot and will not raise his eyes to My Cross will never be able to understand My Love. My Holy Wounds are the Book of My Love in which you should read. Only the Heart understand the Language of My Sacred Wounds.

  70. Lay the weak and the sick and above all the dying, in the repose of My Most Sacred Heart. Once safe in the Love of My Holy wounds, what can harm them? Not even death need they fear for I have overcome it. With all the Love of My Heart I ask you to entrust all humanity, again and again, to My Sacred Wounds, so that none may be lost through your faultI give you renewed power over My Heartthe centre of the redeeming graces of My Holy Wounds.

  71. I let Myself be bound and beaten, and remained silent. There was no suffering I was not willing to endure for your redemption and healing, yes, as the price of your eternal happiness.

  72. Entrust everything to the saving power of My Sacred Wounds. Believe in the Power of Love that seeks to save and redeem all men. Nothing can resist it, and it overcomes all things, such is its longings for your salvation and eternal happiness.

  73. So often have I already spoken to you of the treasure that is entrusted to you in My Holy Wounds and from which you can never draw enough. So let this message that My Love has revealed to you, take root in your hearts. It must grow and bear rich fruit. Love must be your guiding principle in everything. Live from the Love that has been given to you in My Sacred Wounds. The more you truly live the vocation of this Love, the more your hearts will be seized and transfused with the immeasurable richness of My Redeeming Love. Then everything that you do can become a prayer of Thanksgiving and Love. Yes, thank Me for My infinite Mercy and Love, and I will give you everything that the love of your heart can desire.

  74. Do not cease to implore this Salvation for allDo not cease to hold out to the Heavenly Father the Love of My Holy Wounds and My Precious Blood, so that His Heart may no longer recall the horror of sins but only My immense Love. Oh, this Love covers all the sins. Use it, to storm the Father’s Heart. Strive for His Mercy, and believe that He will forgive, and thus not a single drop of My Heart’s Blood will have been shed in vain.

  75. Whatever you place trustfully in My Sacred Wounds and confide to My Heart will mature in you into living, active love. For then My Love will be able to work in you and through you, in true humility and gentleness, in patience and kindness, in selfless, self-sacrificing commitment.

  76. Oh ask Me for souls to be transformed in My boundless Love. However mired in sin and guilt they may be, nothing is impossible to My Grace. I will free them. Ask Me for this. Ask me for conversions and I will grant them. Forget no one.

  77. Father forgive them, for they not what they do” Never will the Father be able to resist such Love. There is no sinner whom He would not embrace like prodigal son, if you, with Me, should intercede on their behalf for Pardon and for Mercy.

  78. Consider, in holy reverence, the fact that in asking you to venerate My Sacred Wounds, the Father has entrusted these Wounds to you in a quiet special wayYou must take this Mission most seriouslyA very great responsibility has been place in your hands and in your hearts.

  79. The more the destructive hatred of the enemy powers seeks to annihilate everything and destroy the wonderful order of creation, the greater and more triumphant will be the offering of My Mercy and Love. And though the adversary seeks to distort the image of Divine Love in man, My Sacred Precious Blood will purify and cleanse all things once more, and shape them anew in the Spirit of Divine Love. For the Love of My Sacred Wounds will Triumph and will one day span the world.

  80. How gladly I will hear you if, again and again and with utter trust, you place My Vicar, and all the bishops in My opened heart, that burns with Love, so that I can heal and sanctify them all and strengthen them  in their service of love.

  81. All the riches of the earth, all the precious things and treasures that has been given you in My Sacred Wounds and My Sacred and Precious Blood. When at last you are permitted to see this, then you will regret everything, yes every slightest omission that kept you back from venerating My Sacred Wounds.

  82. Seek refuge with full and fervent Trust in the Sacred Wounds. They are the Oasis of Love and Peace for all the needs and cares of this world.

  83. During their lifetime, many Saints venerated My Sacred Wounds. Now they gaze upon and adore the Glory of the Wounds.

  84. To Sister Mary Martha Chambon I entrusted the devotion to My Sacred Wounds and its promotion as a Mission of Atonement. Yes, commit yourselves entirely, as she did, to the Apostolate of My Sacred Wounds. Consecrate your entire lives to this Mission and follow the Way of Love.

  85. If you seek refuge in My Sacred Wounds, then you need fear nothing. Just come to Me when the enemy seek to trouble you. In Me you will find Peace. In Me is Truth.

  86. Come and offer Me repeatedly what is dearest to Me. My only—begotten Son in His Crucified Love. The Power of this Love has overpowered hell, opened Heaven and given Life anew. Cross and Love is one. What Grace is given to you in the Cross!

  87. You may confide everyone and everything to Me so come and bring Me the whole world, that I might heal and purify the sores and wounds of this age through the Sacred, Precious Blood that flows unceasingly to you from My Sacred Wounds.

  88. All healing comes from My Sacred Wounds. They are wondrous remedy for body and soul.

  89. Ask Me now especially for the Holy Souls…..Oh, if you only knew with what gratitude the Holy Souls reward your prayers. Comfort My Heart that wait such great longing to grant all souls eternal joy and eternal peace.

  90. You must believe that I open My heart to you in a quiet way when you are humble. Nothing is your merit, everything is Grace. Give thanks for the action of My Grace that accomplishes all things in you. Not to you belong praise and honor; give them to Me. Whatever you do, it should all be uniquely to serve the glorification of the Triune GOD.

  91. Implore My Mercy! Do so above all for the dying, for those who will be lost without your intercession. Invoke the Graces at the hour of My Crucifixion.

  92. I am always ready to raise you out of the greatest need. My Love will never let you fall for you are written on My Heart in the Sacred, Precious Blood of My Son. I remain faithful to this Love and still hold fast by the tiniest and most significant sign of your love, ready to lead you home to My Heart, the Heart of the Father Who so greatly loves you.

  93. Whatever you ask in My Name and for the sake of My bitter Passion, your Heavenly Father will grant you. My Precious Blood will purify the earth and the healing power of My Sacred Wounds will renew it.

  94. Never stop imploring My Precious Blood for sinner and unbelievers, for the lukewarm and hard of heart for all who will not accept My Love. The fire of My Heart will envelop the whole world and plunge it into the Ocean of Mercy and Love; so let no one be lost through your neglect!

  95. In My Wounds I will heal your woundedness.

  96. Remember that every fault whatever it may be, disrupts your intimate unity with Me. Whatever you have done if you only come in sorrow to Me, then I will forgive everything. All Repentance is an Act of Love and Humility and opens all Gifts of Grace for your healing in soul and body.

  97. Bring Me everything. Place even the little injuries in My Heart so that I can heal them too, and they can no longer grow and lead to death.

  98. In all your prayers you must build a truly deep and intimate relationship with heaven. What a mighty power your prayer can be if you unite yourselves with the intercession of the Angels and Saintsbut above all with the help of My Holy Mother!

  99. You must understand and embrace your Mission with still greater determination. Call Me into your midst. Do nothing without Me, so that everything may bear rich fruit in loving union with Me and with My Holy Wounds. Ask the Holy Spirit for the Grace of Perseverance.

  100. Come, with you many wounds, to Me. Oh, your Saviour knows them all and not one of your wounds is a stranger to Me, for I have already taken them into My Heart during My Passion, in order to present them all to Father of healing. Give Me everything, all the guilt and sin, all the pain, abandonment and every kind of need, and add to it your repentance, your trust, your love and hope, and I will free you and redeem you and give you new life in the Ocean of My Grace and through My Merciful Love.

  101. Commit yourselves to the renewal in the Sanctification of My Church.Pray that My Holy Wounds may at all times protect Her.

  102. Oh, help Me to Save Souls. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and include the whole world in these petitions that opened the Father’s Heart so that, with the Arm’s of His Love, he can enfold the whole humanity in order to save, heal and redeem it. What power I have placed in your praying hands with this prayer! But what great responsibility has been entrusted to you along with it! Let no one be lost through your negligence or your fault.

  103. In all your cares and needs you should take refuge, again and again, in the heart of My Mother. For I gave her to you on the Cross, to be your Mother, as a legacy from My Heart, in My Love for you. What could I have given you more dear to Me in those last moments of My Life? Into her heart, I have placed you, into this unique Motherly Heart, whose love as great enough to enfold all humanity.

  104. The priceless Treasures of Grace from My Sacred, Precious Blood that have power to purify and cleanse the whole world, have been entrusted to youDo not let this Fount of Mercy and Love go unused. It has the power to save you all. Pray and Bless, as often and as much as you are capable of imploring My Blessing.

  105. Come then and see what Love awaits you. I am permitted to be your Mother, Mother of the Sacred Wounds, Mother of the Precious Blood that has redeemed you from all sin and guilt.

  106. See, how greatly I care for the Souls in Purgatory. They are My children after all, and when they suffer so greatly, then I suffer too. Therefore,every soul who strives to liberate them is especially dear to Me. One day you will be ask about the Mercy you showed them. You can and may help them. You indeed again and again you should offer up to the Father the Sacred Wounds and the Precious Blood of my Beloved son, and then, for the sake of this offering, He will be gracious and merciful. He will shorten the time of their purification and bring them home at last in His infinitely loving Father’s Heart.

  107. You simply cannot comprehend what Glory My Holy Wounds radiate and what fullness of graces they are ready to bestow upon you.

  1. When you are fearful and distressed, take refuge in My Holy Wounds.Ask Me for My support and pray the invocations that I Myself have taught you. With this Prayer I have given you power over My Heart. It is the Prayer of Perpetual Succour. With this prayer in your hearts and these words on your lips, you should go through the day, invoking the Fruits of My redeeming Passion…The times are growing ever more menacing. But My Love will protect and free you from the grasp of the power of darkness. Let yourselves be set free, and pray for all those who cannot yet walk this way themselves.

  1. Entrust the whole world to My Sacred Wounds.My Most Sacred Heart is waiting for your commitment of Love, of Prayer and Sacrifice. Take my beloved Mother into your midst and ask her to be your helper and your Queen.

  1. Grasp the arms of this all-reconciling Mercy and bring with you everyone, into this erring of never-ending Love, so that this bond of Mercy can bind earth to Heaven so firmly that no power of darkness can ever again break this bond.

  1. You need fear nothing, if you place yourselves under the protection of My Sacred Wounds. I have entrusted to you the Apostolate of My Sacred Wounds. So long as you devote yourselves to this task with all your strength, and with all your love and devotion serve My Work of Redemption, then you fear nothing. I will shelter you, and all whom you entrust to My Mercy, to include the whole world, so do not cease,in the Prayer of Mercy, to include the whole world, so that soon it may be made subject to the Merciful Love of My Kingly Rule.

  1. Pray for My Church.  So priceless are the treasures placed in her bosom; Help My Church through your prayers. The powers of the underworld will do everything to prevent this. But, through the merits of My Sacred Wounds and My Precious blood, My Church is under My special protection.

  1. I will enkindle the Light of Hope, and in the thaw of grace, Faith will sprout and grow anew and blaze forth once more into the darkness of the great apostasy and widespread confusion to strengthen them all on their way to eternal salvation.

  1. Offer up My Sacred Wounds especially those who will die this day.

  1. Pray the Chaplet of in honour of My Sacred Wounds with yet greater fervourIt is your sure refuge in all the storms and trials – which you will not be spared.

  1. You who are especially called to venerate My Sacred Wounds, must devote yourselves entirely to this task.It is a Sacred Task, for the redemption that came through My Sacred Wounds is accomplished today, as then, in perpetual renewal.

  1. Give room then, within yourselves, to the Spirit of Love Who in His boundless Mercy seeks to heal your brokenness, unite your dividedness and still your longing. Cast all your wounds, with complete confidence, into the Ocean of Mercy of My Wounded Love, There all can be healed, all be made well again. There you are safe, sheltered deep in the infinite Mercy and Love of your Triune God.

  1. When all seemed lost and I offered up the last of My Blood they blossomed in death, shining and transfigured, for your Salvation, in the Triumph over all the disaster wrought by the powers of darkness.

  1. O, you should bless. Only consider, with a blessing you entrust yourselves, your loved ones, all creation, your work. Everything that you bless with the holy Sign of The Cross, to the protection of GOD.  What grace is contained in a single Sign of The Cross!

  1. Ask Me for Faith, Hope and Love. Yes, ask Me for floods of grace. Am I not your Savior, your Rescuer, your Redeemer? Come, I am waiting for you. You may help yourselves in the royal treasury of Love, from all the riches of the graces of redemption. Ask and your trust will be given everything.

  1. When you pray, do not think only of your concerns. Your hearts must not dwell only on your own desires nor even only in pious contemplation; for by itself this will keep you too fixed own ego.  Instead, you should seek My Heart and listen to it, its love, to the deepest riches of its grace, to the fullness of its Mercy.

  1. Pray The Chaplet of Mercy with great fervour.  It is the strongest weapon against the assaults of the evil one.  The more the powers of darkness vent forth their evil forces, in order to break down all order, the more you must seek refuge in the saving remedies of My redeeming Passion. They will save you… It is like a mighty rampart that the enemy can never ever breach.

  1. Open your eyes to My Love on the Cross.  When you contemplate Me on the Cross then your hearts will be moved by the True Love that gives itself completely for others. If, in gazing on My Cross, your eyes are opened to the true life of Love, then your hearts will be transformed, immersed in the Ocean of Love that flows from My Sacred Wounds and envelops the life of all.

  1. I can give you no greater Proof of Grace than those that I have promised you for your veneration of My Sacred Wounds and My Sacred, Precious Blood.

  1. With the Prayer of Mercy, the Victory is on your side, for I Myself will then be fighting with you.Under the protection of My Sacred Wounds, no harm can come to you. Have no fear; I will not abandon you, so long as you believe I My Love.

  1. Pray for the Grace, and the Father will have Mercy, if you ask Him for the sake of My Wounds and My Love.

  1. Pray especially for priests and take to your hearts their solely tried souls. Many are in such danger and adversary is trying everything to make fall. I Love them, and I do not want a single one of these priestly souls to be lost. Take them to your hearts. Place them in My Sacred Wounds and ask Me to free them from all wants and distress. How greatly too My holy Mother is concerned for themTurn to her great power of intercession with the Father, Who looks with love on her humility and purity.  She can banish evil and crush the serpent’s head in the power of the Most Holy Trinity.

  1. Engage all your concern and love in the rescue and Salvation of Mankind. Again and again I ask this; again and again I give Myself. Let me not ask in vain. You too must do your uttermost, just I am ready to do anything, for I love you more than ever.

  2. All the suffering of the Holy Souls were included in My Passion and Suffering, and in such bitter pain I bore to Golgotha their longing for redemption. Cast their sin into My Sacred Precious Blood; entrust all their needs to My Sacred Wounds, so that with you they may experience the Easter morning in the redeeming Love of My Resurrection.

  1. Everything you do here is witnessed in Heaven too.  So seek friends there, to help and guide you, so that all is done for the Honour and the Glory of GOD and your deeds can bear fruit for all eternity. If you would only trust yourselves with confidence to the interceding and protecting arms of the Heavenly Powers. For they are permitted to help you. Ask them to include you in their praise in their perpetual adoration of the Trinity of Love.

  1. There is no greater Treasure than Love. It towers above all all things. When Love was raised up on the Cross, it became the highest most Luminous Sign, chosen by GOD, in the sight of the whole creation, as the most Glorious image of His Love.

  1. On the cross I let My Heart be opened for you and I will never close it again, for My Love is Faithful and I will not withdraw it from you, no matter how small and impoverished your faith and trust may be.

  1. Every Cross and every Suffering I have borne and shared in My Cross and Passion, and entrusted to the healing Mercy of the Father.  For none of you shall be excluded from the infinite Mercy of Divine Love.

  1. I will close My Heart to no one—this Heart that let itself be opened by the lance for you; to no one whom your love entrusts to My Mercy.

  1. For without My Help, you are at the Mercy of the devastating attacks of the evil enemy.  Pray and Trust in My Love.  Seek refuge in My Heart.  There alone you are safe.

  1. My Sacred Wounds are the Greatest means of Grace that I have willed to give you, especially for this difficult time.

  2. You are permitted to come to the Father into the arms of His Love, into His infinitely Kind and Merciful Heart.  You are permitted to be His children. Children of His Love. My Sacred Wounds have opened up to you the doors of this Love.

  1. When you venerate My Sacred Wounds and My Sacred Precious Blood, I will shower you still more than ever with My Redeeming Grace.  The more sin runs rampant, the more My Mercy grows.

  1. Yes, there is no wound in this world that cannot be healed by My Sacred Wounds. However terrible the effect of sin and guilt may be, however greatly they disfigure and wound man, yet in My Redeeming Grace they will find Mercy, for My Love is greater than guilt.

  1. True Love is Perfect, however, it thinks only of the happiness of others.  You have been granted such a mighty power over the Father’s Merciful Heart.  You are called to share in the Heavenly Father’s great Work of Redemption.

  1. It is My most fervent Wish that the veneration of My Sacred Wounds should spread over the whole world. Can there be anything more important than to faithfully fulfil My instructions?  My Love is waiting for your commitment.

  1. The Father loves it when you venerate My Sacred Wounds and Precious, for in doing so you are also venerating His Love. And when you offer up My Sacred Wounds, in seeking help with your many problems, large and small, then you may be sure that you will indeed obtain this help. The Father will never abandon you or deny you His consolation and Love, so long as you ask Him with confidence. For His Mercy is truly without limit. Be unfailing in your confidence. Do not cease to pray and plead for the Mercy of the Father, so that not only your guilt, but also that of your fellow men, may be wiped out and atoned for since after all they are all your sisters and brothers.

  1. Fear NO obstacle. For I am at your side.  I Myself am leading you in the battle and will always intervene at the right moment.

  1. Without My Sacred Wounds there is no salvation and redemption for you.  My Sacred Wounds are the Anchor of Salvation in the mighty confrontation with the forces of the evil one. They are the Shining Symbol of Victory in the night of death and they are likewise the bridge for you to the Father’s Heart.

  1. My greatest healing Gift of all is My Sacred Wounds. When with full trust, you venerate this Sign of My Merciful Love, then no hostile power can hurt you, for its Love is invincible. It will Triumph and unite all beneath its Royal Rule.

  1. Help yourselves to the healing remedies you so urgently need and that are nowhere else to be obtained.

  1. Ask pardon daily for all those things in which, consciously or unconsciously, you have injured Love. Just as each day you clean your bodies, so too you should clean your souls so that they can shine out in their true beauty. Come to Me and bring all the darkness and impurity all your weakness and failings. Bring Me your wounds and scars as well so that I can completely cleanse and heal you. I want to free you from all evil from painful hurts and disappointment.

  2. Oh, the ardent Love of My Sacred Precious Blood has the power to move even the stubborn of sinners. Its fire can warm every coldness of heart and break through even the worst of hardness Even the thickest of ice must melt away in the burning fire of My redeeming Love. No cunning and no power can overcome the Omnipotence of My Mercy which offers itself to you unceasingly in the never failing tide of My Redemptive Graces.

  1. In each Wound this Love looks upon you and every Wound is a ‘YES’ of Love, a “Yes Father, Thy Will be done”… Look at Me, My eyes and mouth are closed. But you can still understand their language, still hear their Love which calls to you, yes, you!

  1. I do not ask you for many and splendid prayers, I simply want your hearts to be with Me. Come above all, to the tabernacle.

  1. Give Me your cares. Give Me all the things that you worry about.  How can you do better than to entrust them to Me?  And so you may place them in My Heart.  For in the sure shelter of My Most Sacred Heart no hostile power can ever enter. Whosoever seek refuge there is saved!

Messages and Meditations given by
Our Lady, Jesus and GOD The Father
to Sister Franziska Maria of the Crucified Love,
a 20th century German Carmelite Mystic
from the book “By His Wounds You Are Healed”